Gardening & Outdoors
Tips to grow a continual supply of Napa cabbage
His sheer joy of gardening is just as captivating as his technique. I loved every second of it.
B.T. Swezey

For many of us, the dream of growing our own food and feeding our own family is, unfortunately, exactly that: just a dream.

We get too busy with our jobs and other responsibilities to find time to cultivate a vegetable garden.

Thankfully, there are other ways.

Pexels - Karolina Grabowska
Pexels - Karolina Grabowska

And for some of us, it’s not even an issue of time but of space.

We live in an apartment or somewhere in the city that simply has no piece of land near enough to grow food on.

Well, lucky for us, there is a way that we can grow our own food in a time and space-efficient manner.

On a YouTube channel called Teo Garden, a man shows us just how we can grow vegetables in our own homes, no garden or huge chunk of time needed.

Low maintenance gardening

YouTube - Teo Garden
YouTube - Teo Garden

In this specific video, we learn how to grow Napa cabbage which is delicious as well as nutritious.

To start, all you’ll need is a small seed tray and some soil.

Now, you don’t even need to go buy some fancy seed tray to get going.

Old egg cartons work just fine!

Fill your tray (or egg carton) with enough soil to cover all of the holes.

YouTube - TEO Garden
YouTube - TEO Garden

Then you’ll need to buy a small packet of cabbage seeds.

They are very inexpensive and can be purchased at your local gardening supply store.

Open the bag and pinch a small group of seeds between your fingers.

Then, make a small indent into the soil before dropping the seeds into the hole. Cover the holes with soil once you have all of the seeds in the tray.

Then give them some water.

YouTube - TEO Garden
YouTube - TEO Garden

In just a few days you’ll start to see small cabbage sprouts beginning to grow in your tray.

When you are ready to transplant your sprouts into a bigger vessel, there are lots 0f options.

A perfect time to recycle used jugs

YouTube - TEO Garden
YouTube - TEO Garden

But once again, you don’t need to spend a fortune here on fancy pots.

They grow in used 5-gallon jugs.

Just cut it in half down the middle, then drill a few holes in the bottom and the lower sides of it.

After that, simply fill it with soil nearly to the top and you’re good to go.

YouTube - TEO Garden
YouTube - TEO Garden

Don’t forget to thin them out.

Take the strongest and most healthy-looking sprouts to transplant in the jug.

Although they will look comically small in those big jugs, trust me, they will fill out the space.

YouTube - TEO Garden
YouTube - TEO Garden

Be sure to water regularly.

In the span of just a couple of months, your cabbage will have grown to a size that is ready to be enjoyed.

YouTube - TEO Garden
YouTube - TEO Garden

All you have to do is cull the leaves around the edges of the cabbage (which can be eaten, by the way) and then cut the cabbage head free from its roots with a knife.


It’s that simple.

YouTube - TEO Garden
YouTube - TEO Garden

Now your cabbage is ready to eat!

YouTube - TEO Garden
YouTube - TEO Garden

See the video below for this entire process from start to delicious finish!

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