Crafts & DIY
These Life Hacks From 100 Years Ago Are Surprisingly Useful Today
Kalli Sarkin

Life hacks are the latest craze. We all want a better way to carry out our daily activities, and sometimes the answer comes in mysterious forms. Some of the best solutions are not some new-age innovation made possible by technology. Sometimes they have been around for years. These life hacks, taken from “how to do it” cards found in old cigarette boxes, are from 100 years ago, but they are still completely relevant and useful today. Who knew the past could have so much to offer?


Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda
Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda


Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda
Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda

Splinters – we have all been there. A pesky splinter stuck in your finger or the bottom of your foot can be the absolute worst! If you’ve ever had a splinter and no tweezers handy, you know just how miserable life can be. The card trick (scraping a card against the splinter to slide it out) works sometimes, but that method is unpleasant and unreliable. So next time you get a dreadful splinter stuck in your skin, try this simple bottle trick!


Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda
Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda


Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda
Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda

We all know the struggle of cutting a fresh loaf of bread at a family gathering. It can be a real nightmare – uneven slices and crumbs everywhere! Not to fear, this old knife trick can solve the problem right away – and leave your fresh baked bread beautiful.


Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda
Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda


Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda
Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda

Maybe you’re giving flowers to your sweetie, or maybe you are just trying to brighten up the room. Whatever your flower need, rest assured that this old trick will bring your blossoms back to life. Simple and effective, you’ll never have to worry about flowers dying too soon again.


Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda
Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda


Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda
Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda

Does your house have a fire extinguisher? Probably not. In case there is a fire in your home, there are better ways to handle the situation than to wait around for the fire truck to appear. This quick and easy solution will help you sleep safe and sound knowing that you can save yourself from a fire, but let’s hope you never have to test this trick!


Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda
Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda


Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda
Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda

Whether it’s a big family gathering or dinner for one, everyone is in search of the perfect potatoes. This hack is so simple it’s almost hard to believe. Now you can amaze your friends as you show off your expert chef skills – at least with potatoes, anyways!


Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda
Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda


Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda
Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda

If you’ve had a sprain, you know that the last thing you want when you’re trying to recover is to keep getting up. A wet cloth can be quite soothing to an injury, but you wouldn’t want to have to run to the faucet every few minutes! Luckily, this simple solution allows you to heal in peace without having to constantly re-soak your wrapping.


Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda
Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda


Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda
Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda

We have all had that day: you thought it was going to be warm, so you left the house without a sweater only to find yourself freezing half the day. Or you overdressed for cold weather and broke out into a sweat! The weather app is not always accurate, and I have definitely worn the wrong thing because my app told me the weather would be a certain way. Not to worry – this little trick takes moments and gives you a good idea of the weather. So if you see the clouds getting bigger, it’s time to take that sweater!


Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda
Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda


Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda
Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda

This one is definitely useful. Growing up, my mom always told me about the time she got glass stuck in her foot. Now when a glass breaks I am nowhere to be found! Thankfully we do not have to live in fear of broken glass. If you’ve ever swept up the big pieces of glass only to find out later that the little shards are still there, this life hack is for you.


Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda
Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda


Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda
Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda

After the exposition of black lights on hotel room surfaces, we have all wondered if that hotel bed is actually sanitary. This quick trick will put your mind at ease by letting you know that your sheets are clean and dry – or it will confirm your deepest fears and you will run out of the room in horror!


Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda
Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda


Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda
Gallaher's Cigarettes digitized by BoredPanda

Nowadays yoga and mindfulness are all the rage. Did you know deep breathing alone has meditative qualities? That, and it increases your blood flow. Whether you are taking a moment of meditation or preparing your lungs for a workout – or just want more air when you breathe – this little exercise will bring you more oxygen in no time.

We all want to know shortcuts to make our lives easier. These life hacks from the last century are sure to solve some of your daily problems in simple but unexpected ways. When it comes to looking at the future, the past is key.

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[Source: BoredPanda]
