Magnesium sulfate (more commonly known as Epsom salt) is a chemical compound made up of magnesium, sulfur, and oxygen.
It was originally discovered in the town of Epson in Surrey, England.
But did you know Epsom salt is not actually salt?
Even though it’s called “salt”, it’s nothing like regular table salt.
It’s only called that because of its chemical form, which looks very similar to table salt.

It also tastes entirely different.
It is bitter and inedible.
Some people still consume Epsom salt by dissolving it into drinking water, but it’s not ideal to be used as a condiment in your recipes.
Though it’s unlikely to be orally consumed by people, it can still be used for a lot of other things.
Below are 15 of the many uses of Epsom salt in the garden.
If you are having a hard time in the beautification and recreation of your garden, then this article will greatly help you.
1. Shoos garden pests away

We all know garden pests, they’re the number 1 enemy of gardeners and plant growers.
While you are doing everything to the best of your ability, here they come munching away your greeneries.
Thankfully, Epsom salt is there to save the day.
It does irritate pests, but you may need to sprinkle it more often onto your plants since it is water-soluble.
2. Great for nightshade plants

Nightshade plants like tomatoes need a lot of magnesium.
Luckily, it’s one of the main components of Epsom salt.
You can either sprinkle it at the base or mix it with water then pour it in.
For best results, it’s highly recommended to keep adding Epsom salt to them every two weeks.
3. Good against transplant shock

Transplant shock is often referred to as the physical stress a plant undergoes during the transplant process.
It happens when the roots of a plant get damaged.
Epsom salt can prevent this from happening, you can apply it using two ways.
- Sprinkle on top of the soil near the base of the plant and then water it.
- Put it on the hole of the soil where you are transferring your plant and then cover it with a little dirt before putting the plant in.
4. Gives fruit a sweeter taste

When a fruit-bearing plant has more chlorophyll, it will have more energy.
And when they have more energy, they produce more sugar.
And that’s exactly what Epsom salt does to plants, it gives the chlorophyll inside the plant a boost to make their taste more enjoyable.
5. Exterminates weeds

Bid goodbye to pesky weeds in your garden.
Epsom salt is a great ingredient in getting rid of those unwanted greeneries.
Just mix it with vinegar and some dishwashing liquid.
Put the mixture in a spray bottle and just sprinkle it on every weed that you see.
Note: Just don’t spray it on your beloved plants.
6. Keeps leaves greener than ever

Plants’ leaves will start to turn yellow when they do not get enough magnesium.
Thankfully, Epsom salt is rich in that.
Just feed your plants with 1 tablespoon ( or 15 ml) of it for every 12 inches (or 30 cm) of the height of the plant.
Note: Just do this once a month.
7. Removes tree stump

A tree stump sitting on your lawn is nothing but an eyesore.
However, getting it removed would either cost you a fortune or consume your time and energy.
But worry no more because Epsom salt is here.
Just drill some holes into the tree stump, fill it with Epsom salt, and it will begin rotting after a couple of weeks.
8. Lush greeneries on your lawn

All greenery needs magnesium, and if your lawn looks dull then a little help from Epsom salt might do the trick.
All you have to do is add 3 pounds (or 1.35 kg) of it to every 1,250 square feet (or 116 square meters) of land with grass.
Water your plants right after to make sure the soil absorbs every bit of it.
9. Removes splinters like magic

You can’t avoid getting one while gardening, but don’t worry because Epsom salt got you covered.
Just mix 2 tablespoons (or 30 ml) of Epsom salt with water and soak the affected area in it.
Doing this will make the splinter voluntarily pop out of your skin.
10. Make roses bloom more beautifully

Roses are sure beautiful but growing them is not the easiest task in the world.
To give these flowers a special glow, just add Epsom salt during planting time and when its flowers are about to bloom.
11. Cures leaf curling

When the leaves of your plant start to curl, that means it’s lacking magnesium.
To cure this, just sprinkle the soil with 1 tablespoon (or 15 ml) of Epsom salt and you should be all set.
12. Fights “drizzle top”

Frizzle top is caused by manganese deficiency and is very common to palm trees.
To help prevent this, spray the crown and base of the palm tree with a mixture of Epsom salt and water.
13. Fuller ferns

Fern plants don’t look good when they’re dull and yellowish.
That’s why you need to mix 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt into a gallon (3.8 Liters) of water and spray it to make them grow fuller and greener.
14. Healthier plants in pots

Keeping plants in pots healthy is a lot harder than it looks because they go magnesium-deficient faster.
To sort this out, you just have to add 2 tablespoons (or 30 ml) of Epsom salt around the plant.
Note: Just do this once a month.
15. Increase nutrient absorption

Most commercial fertilizers are packed with magnesium, but why bother buying if you can get that from Epsom salt?
When you simply put Epsom salt on the soil around your beloved plants, they will absorb other nutrients that are present on the soil more efficiently.
See? Epsom salt is a hero in the garden!
So make sure your plants are well-maintained and healthy by feeding them not just sunlight and water but also with Epsom salt.
To learn more how to use Epsom salt in your garden and on your potted plants watch below!
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