We all know that a glass of red wine is the perfect way to unwind after a long day. And while for the most part, most doctors wouldn’t recommend alcohol as a healthy drink, it turns out that having a glass of red wine can actually be great for your body.
Here is a list of some benefits you get from drinking a glass of red wine every now and then!
Fight back against signs of aging
The skin of grapes are packed with the antioxidant, resveratrol. It can help to improve eyesight and be protective for the brain as well as the heart. The antioxidants work great as an anti-aging substance and to lower cholesterol.
Regulate your blood sugar
Resveratrol can even help people with diabetes regulate their blood sugar. According to studies, resveratrol also had caused significant decreases in total cholesterol and systolic blood pressure.
Preserve oral health
According to a recent study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, a glass of red wine a day can even help to kill bacteria in your mouth. This could be a good way to fight against dental diseases and cavities.
Slim down and burn fat
After drinking red wine, your body converts resveratrol to a chemical compound called piceatannol. It turns out that this compound works great in preventing the growth of fat cells. It does this by binding to the insulin receptors of fat cells, which blocks the pathways for immature fat cells to grow.
Help you get some sleep
Red wine contains melatonin. You might have heard of it, as it is well known for helping people sleep peacefully. As long as you drink in moderation, it can be a great way to deal with restlessness.
Avoid cancer
Researchers at the University of Virginia say that resveratrol can be powerful enough to starve cancer cells. In a study, the scientists dosed human cancer cells with resveratrol and found that the compound blocked the key activities of a cancer-feeding protein. Red wine is also host to quercetin, which can help to prevent lung cancer. So in addition to preventing things like heart disease, resveratrol can also prevent the growth of cancerous cells!
Please SHARE these benefits of red wine with your friends and family. Now go enjoy a glass!