When we go grocery shopping we rarely stop to think about how much garbage we’re making and how much excess packaging we’re throwing away. Although it’s not always so easy to reduce our garbage output, what if we started with something small—something like bread tags, for example? As it turns out, there are plenty of uses for the tags on loaves of bread which you probably haven’t thought of before:
Key Labels
As anyone with a heavy keychain knows, it’s easy to get confused about which keys go to which doors. Fortunately, by using bread tags as little labels, you’ll never have to be confused again. All you have to do is snap the tag on the key, write on it with a fine-tip sharpie and voila! It’s almost too easy.
Flip Flop Repair
Buying cheap flip flops is basically a way of life for some people (read: myself). Generally speaking, they last for a long time, are comfortable enough and get the job done. The only issue is when the plastic thong part of the shoe gets pulled through the foam and you end up having to buy another pair. Fortunately, sliding a bread tag around the end of the plastic cap under your foot might buy you a little time in a pinch before buying a new pair of shoes.
Headphone Holster
Everyone knows the struggle: even though you unplug your headphones, coil them up neatly and put them in your pocket, they always come out looking like a rat’s nest. Not only is this frustrating, it’s bad for the wiring and can cause your headphones to wear out faster than they would otherwise. As it turns out, using a bread tag around coiled headphones is a nice little trick to keep them from unraveling in your pocket.
Glass Markers
Imagine you’re hosting a party where you’ve brought out the nice stemware. Everyone is having wine, maybe two or three glasses each, and the room is getting just a little warm and fuzzy around the edges. All the wine glasses look identical now and you’re not sure which one is yours. Instead of fretting about catching your friend’s cold the next morning, putting a tiny bread tag around the base of your wine glass will help it stand out from the crowd.
Tape Stopper
Last but not least, it can be really annoying trying to find where you left off on a roll of tape. It can also be hard to get the tape to peel off the right way when you do find where it starts. To put an end to those problems, tape the end of your roll to the tip of a bread tag to easily find where it starts again—when you’re done, peel it off, stick the tag back and put it away for later use.
Check out this link for more handy tips on how to use these handy little tabs and be sure to peruse the rest of Infinite DIY’s page for more life hacks as well. Let this be an inspiration on your journey of creative recycling.
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