Even if you or your kids are not so much into playing tennis, you should consider occasionally stocking up on tennis balls. That’s because there are all sorts of ways you can use tennis balls around the house.
Continue reading to see different ways how those fuzzy neon balls can make your life easier!
Wipe off smudge marks from your floor
For any of you with kids, you know those black smudge marks on your kitchen floor are almost impossible to avoid. Luckily, rubbing a tennis ball across the mark works almost like a magic eraser in removing the mark!
Park in a small garage
If you have a garage that’s just large enough to fit your car, but not so much to make parking easy, a tennis ball might be perfect for you. To know how far up to drive your car into your garage, hang a tennis ball from the ceiling using some string. Place it in the correct area so that when parking, you know to stop as soon as the ball touches your windshield. Try it out and see just how easy it can be to park inside!
Massage your sore feet
After a long day of work, your feet can be super sore. For a quick and simple way to make them feel better, just keep a tennis ball near the sofa and roll the bottom of your feet along the tennis ball.
Fluff up your clothes in the dryer
If you love fluffy clothes as soon as they come out of the dryer, using a tennis ball instead of dryer sheets can be a great way to be resourceful around the house. It also helps you avoid some dryer sheets that might contain chemicals in them!
Avoid floor scratches from chairs
This use for tennis balls is most common in classrooms but it can also be a great way to keep avoid having your kitchen chairs from causing scratches or making noise. All you have to do is cut slits into your tennis bell and then place them onto the bottom of your chair legs.
Trap slugs in the garden
If you’re looking to remove pests from your prized garden, using a tennis ball can be a great way for to gather them in one spot. Just slice off the top of the tennis ball and fill it with beer to attract slugs. Once you gather slugs, the tennis ball will make them easier to dispose of!
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