Have you smelled that luxurious, floral scent on freshly washed clothing? These pleasant scents are actually cancer-inducing toxic chemicals from detergent. Instead of polluting your clothes and laundry room and wasting money on expensive detergents, make your own laundry detergent pods at home.
The recipe below makes a year’s supply for only thirty dollars.
For the detergent powder…
- 3 bars Fels Naptha
- 1 box Borax
- 1 box washing soda
- 2 cups baking soda
- 2 containers Dollar Tree Oxyclean
- 1-2 containers Purex fabric softener crystals
Grate the Fels Naptha soap bars. An easy way would be to stick it in the food processor along with a cup of powder bleach for each bar for cushion.
Mix all the powders and grated soap bars by putting everything in a large trash bag and shaking it. You now have your detergent powder!
For the pods…
- homemade detergent powder
- spray bottle of white vinegar
- bowl
- tablespoon
- ice cube tray
Put a few cups of detergent powder in bowl and spray mixture with white vinegar until the product can be squeezed with your hands. Make sure you don’t wet it too much.
Insert a heaping tablespoon of vinegar-detergent mixture into ice cube tray.
Press down onto mixture until it is tightly packed.
Wait for the mixture to dry completely (typically 12 hours) and you have DIY detergent pods!
For more information, visit Jillee from One Good Thing and watch her video tutorial by clicking here.
This DIY project will save you money and your health, so definitely give it a try! Please SHARE it with everyone you know!