Woman uses a paper towel “trick” to remove greasy orange stains in tupperware
Apparently this works even on "old" stains.
Jessica Adler

Hold onto your Tupperware lids, friends. We’re in for a wild ride.

We all love how hand having tupperware around is, but there’s one undeniably uncomfortable truth about it that we all know and hate.

Stains are nearly impossible to clean.

But, thankfully, the key word here is “nearly”.

There is a little trick we can all use to get rid of those ugly stains for good.

Adikempler/ TikTok
Adikempler/ TikTok

As with all the simple-yet-lifechanging hacks of today, this one comes to you from TikTok.

Adi Kempler, the user behind the hack, is far from your next Mrs. Hinch.

She’s just your average adult, like you and me, trying to find hacks that will make her life easier.

As a busy esthetician by day, Adi probably batch-cooks food and stores her lunches and dinners in Tupperware for convenience.

She knows how easily it stains.


While a stained Tupperware tub won’t make you ill to eat from, it might put you off using it again.

After all, who wants to see tiny orange grease droplets on the inside of a tub that they were going to use to store cupcakes or sandwiches?

Luckily, Adi’s hack for getting rid of these stains couldn’t be simpler – and you don’t need any fancy cleaning tools or chemicals for the job.

You just need some paper towels.

Adikempler/ TikTok
Adikempler/ TikTok

The video, which has over 4,000,000 views, documents the cleaning process.

It only takes 4 easy steps.

First, after showing us a worse-for-wear Tupperware tub with orange staining around its base and sides, Adi adds a little dish soap.

Next, she fills the tub with water, before moving on to the important part: she takes a small piece of torn paper towel and places it inside the tub.

Adikempler/ TikTok
Adikempler/ TikTok

Shake, shake, shake.

After closing the lid, Adi shakes the tub vigorously over her sink.

This mixes the water with the soap and the piece of paper towel, which plays an important role in absorbing the grease in the process.

Adikempler/ TikTok
Adikempler/ TikTok

Finally, Adi opens the lid, removes the paper towel, and empties the water and soap into the sink.

She then rinses the tub out to clean off any leftover residue.

The results are remarkable.

With no major scrubbing or hard work, Adi’s tub is completely stain-free.

To think we’ve been putting in the hard work with a sponge when we could have simply worked a bit of magic with a paper towel – but who’d have thought to do that?

Adikempler/ TikTok
Adikempler/ TikTok

Not everyone is capable of thinking up a brand-new hack.

And this, like many hacks that exist today, has been passed on from family member to family member, most likely for generations.

Adi didn’t invent the method.

Speaking to Insider, Adi explained that the trick had been suggested to her by her stepmother.

Adi had complained about greasy containers, mentioning every internet hack she tried took too long or used bleach, which she didn’t want to use on tubs she’d be eating out of.

Adikempler/ TikTok
Adikempler/ TikTok

Thankfully, she let us all know that this hack is “a game-changer.”

Now, that’s a hack just about everyone can benefit from knowing.

See how a simple paper towel can ease our Tupperware scrubbing woes in the video below!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.


This hack has saved so many of my Tupperware friends. Try it!!!! #fyp #cookingvideos #cookinghacks #lifehacks #hacks #stainremover #foryou #foryoupage

♬ original sound – adikempler

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