Here’s the Real Reason Butter Always Tastes Better at Restaurants
I had no idea, very interesting.
Jake Manning

Butter is a magical ingredient that can turn any dish from ordinary to extraordinary.

Whether you’re making a simple bowl of rice, a plate of noodles, or a serving of mashed potatoes, adding butter can enhance the flavors and textures significantly.

Many people notice that butter from restaurants often tastes much better than the ones they use at home.

Luckily, with a few easy tricks, you can achieve that same delicious quality.


One of the secrets behind the superior taste of restaurant butter is its higher butterfat content.

Typically, the butter you find in grocery stores contains around 80% butterfat.

However, restaurants often use butter with up to 86% butterfat.

This higher fat content makes the butter richer and more flavorful, which translates to a better taste in your dishes.

When shopping for butter, look for labels that indicate a higher butterfat content or choose European-style butter, which often has this characteristic.


Seasoning is another crucial aspect that chefs pay attention to when it comes to butter.

In restaurants, butter is not just an afterthought but a key ingredient that requires the right amount of salt to enhance its flavor.

Chefs know that a pinch of salt can make a world of difference, bringing out the natural sweetness and creaminess of the butter.

When using butter at home, don’t hesitate to season it lightly with salt to elevate its taste.


Freshness is essential for great-tasting butter.

In restaurants, butter is used quickly, ensuring it remains fresh and doesn’t have time to absorb any unwanted odors from the refrigerator.

To maintain the freshness of your butter at home, buy it in small quantities and use it within a reasonable time frame.

Additionally, store it properly to prevent it from picking up any off-flavors from other foods in your fridge.


Investing in high-quality butter can make a significant difference in your cooking.

Look for butter that is labeled as high-butterfat or grass-fed, often found under the “European style” category.

These butters are made from the milk of cows that are fed a natural diet, resulting in a richer and more flavorful product.

By starting with quality butter, you’re already on your way to replicating that restaurant-level taste.


Proper storage is key to keeping your butter fresh and ready to use.

For easy spreading, keep butter at room temperature for a day or two, especially if you plan to use it soon.

If you prefer salted butter, it has the added benefit of preventing bacterial growth, making it safer to leave out.

When not in use, store your butter in an airtight container in the refrigerator to maintain its quality.


Adding flavors to your butter can make it even more delightful.

Using a mixer, you can whip in various ingredients such as maple syrup, fresh herbs, or cheeses to create a unique and tasty spread.

This technique allows you to customize your butter to suit different dishes and tastes, adding an extra layer of flavor to your meals.


Whipping butter is another technique that can transform its texture and taste.

By beating softened butter, you incorporate air into it, making it light and fluffy.

This whipped butter is not only easier to spread but also has a delightful mouthfeel.

Store whipped butter in the fridge in an airtight container to keep it fresh and ready to use whenever you need it.


The superior taste of restaurant butter is due to several factors: higher butterfat content, careful seasoning, and freshness.

By following these tips—buying high-quality butter, storing it correctly, and adding flavors—you can enjoy the same rich and delicious butter at home.

With these simple tricks, you can elevate your everyday meals and bring a touch of restaurant-quality indulgence to your cooking.

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