Nervous young teen forces judge to spin around singing “Dancing in the Dark”
I couldn't stop smiling, what a fun performance.
Jake Manning

A kid got to perform on stage with the man who inspired him to be a rock star.

Danny Jones of McFly went up on stage to join young Ryan.

It was a dream come true for him.

Ryan wanted to be in Danny Jones’ team, so he chose the perfect song to impress the McFly frontman.

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YouTube Screenshot-Best of The Voice Kids

Bruce Springsteen’s “Dancing in the dark”.

And though Ryan’s voice seemed a bit shaky, bless his soul he must have been nervous, he still performed for everyone.

Now that’s a rock star!

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YouTube Screenshot-Best of The Voice Kids

This is a song Springsteen wrote to express his difficulty writing a hit single.

He was a star but was frustrated trying to write songs that will please people after his manager, Jon Landau, demanded a hit single for the album.

After a brief altercation between Springsteen and Landau, the singer sat and wrote it that same night.

It was a classic case of a manager or record executive getting an artist fired up.

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YouTube Screenshot-Best of The Voice Kids

This really was a song that was “Born in the USA”.

It’s such a hit that even young Ryan Lofthouse from Stanley Crook, County Durham knew it would catch the attention of the coaches.

And his coach, Danny.

Ryan put his own spin on the Springsteen classic and Danny loved it.

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YouTube Screenshot-Best of The Voice Kids

The best part was when Danny hit his red button and spun around!

It was a moment Ryan was hoping and wishing for before he took to the stage.

Just look at how happy and supportive his family is!

And when the performance was over, Danny went up to play a McFly song called “Obviously” with his admiring young fan.

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YouTube Screenshot-Best of The Voice Kids

Ryan had this to say,

“The Voice was an amazing experience. I’ve met so many amazing people. It’s so fun to just be there and experience it all.”

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YouTube Screenshot-Best of The Voice Kids

He goes to school at Parkside Academy, in Willington, and was cheered on from the sidelines by his mom Carolyn, dad Mal, twin brother Tom and his younger brother Declan, 10.

His mom was just clapping and jumping the whole time as her son fulfilled a dream of his.

“It was a dream come true for him. He wanted to go on because he’s a huge McFly fan so it’s like he’s already won. It was an incredible experience.”

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YouTube Screenshot-Best of The Voice Kids

She went on to say,

“When we went in he was sat on the side of the stage he said he was nervous but after he did his rehearsal he came back and said it was more scary looking at the stage than being on it.”

Ryan loves music and he really loves to be on stage performing.

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YouTube Screenshot-Best of The Voice Kids

Like the song says, “You can’t start a fire worrying about your little world falling apart.”

Ryan enjoys busking on the streets of Newcastle and we only hope he’s got a bright future ahead of him.

The world has to know that this gun’s for hire.

Just look at how happy this kid is!

It’s a charming performance you have to see for yourself in the video below!

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