The bathroom must be clean and pristine. That’s a mandatory rule in my house, and it’s because the bathroom is the area where germs and bacteria can quickly build up. More importantly, we use the bathroom every single day, and if there are germs around, it’s really easy to get sick.
Fortunately, YouTube channel Clean My Space created an awesome bathroom cleaning tips video. Melissa Maker, the owner of the channel, is a cleaning aficionado, and she’s out to show everyone how to clean the surprisingly dirty things in the bathroom. These are areas that are not cleaned frequently and be the unexpectedly dirty if we are unaware.
For starters, she shows us that it’s important to clean our toothbrushes and their holders. A toothbrush can host a lot of bacteria, and it’s very close to the toilet. To solve this, Melissa recommends rinsing the toothbrush after each use and leave it in a cup of vinegar for about half an hour. It’s also important to switch out your toothbrush every few months .
I won’t spoil the other ideas for you. Watch the video below and find out all these helpful tips that can make your bathroom squeaky clean.
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