Mom’s puzzled to find toddler in hallway at 6 AM until hilarious footage explains it all
The baby monitor footage revealed she had "partners in crime." 🤣
Jake Manning

When baby Chloe first came home, her parents, Chris and Nina, were anxious about how their two dogs, Colby and Bleu, would react.

Initially, they feared a bit of jealousy, as the dogs were used to being the center of attention.

But as soon as Chloe was introduced to them, those worries quickly disappeared. Colby and Bleu fell in love with her and bonded with her almost immediately.

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As Chloe grew, the dogs became even more attached to her.

They soon realized that having a toddler in the house could work in their favor, especially when it came to food.

Known for their love of snacks, Colby and Bleu discovered that Chloe’s eating habits provided them with plenty of opportunities.

She was messy, and the dogs took full advantage by hanging around her highchair, eagerly waiting for the inevitable food drops.

Sometimes she even tossed a bite their way on purpose, much to their delight.

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Chloe’s dad, Chris, shared a funny anecdote about their meal times.

“Colby parks himself under Chloe’s high chair every night. Lately, she’s gotten tall enough to reach into their food bin, so she scoops out kibble and drops it for them, much to our chagrin.”

It wasn’t just an accidental feeding anymore—Chloe was learning how to take care of her dogs, although perhaps in ways her parents hadn’t anticipated!

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One morning, Chloe’s mom, Nina, woke up to find her daughter wandering the hallway by herself.

This was unusual because Chloe’s bed was designed to prevent her from getting out on her own.

Not only that, but she hadn’t yet mastered opening doors.

Puzzled, the parents wondered how her little girl had managed to escape.

“We were shocked! How was she able to get out of bed? This is the first time she’s ever made an escape like this. Did she grow?” Chris shared with ABC News.

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Determined to solve the mystery, Chloe’s parents checked the baby monitor in her room.

What they saw was both surprising and hilarious.

It turned out that Colby and Bleu had figured out how to get Chloe up in the morning.

They would sneak into her room at 6 a.m. and quietly nudge her awake.

One of the dogs even used her favorite toy to coax her out of bed.

Their ultimate goal? Breakfast, of course.


The dogs had devised a clever plan to ensure that they got fed as early as possible.

Once Chloe was awake, they would lead her toward the kitchen where she’d scoop out their kibble.

That morning, Chloe was on her way to complete the task when her mom caught her in the act.

The two pups had become quite the problem solvers, using Chloe as their way to ensure timely meals.


Once Chris and Nina realized what was happening, they couldn’t stop laughing.

They joked that while they had baby-proofed their house to keep Chloe safe, they now had to consider dog-proofing it as well.

“I knew we had to childproof our house. Guess we’ll have to dog-proof it too,” Chris remarked with a grin.


Chloe’s bond with Colby and Bleu remained strong.

She loved spending time with them, and the dogs continued to adore her.

Even after this little escapade, Chloe often shared her snacks and fed them treats, further cementing their special connection.


Watch the video below to see the pups hilariously helping their best friend escape!

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