Handyman explains why unsightly “toilet stains” appear then shares his 1-ingredient fix
The best way to put a stop to it is to break the cycle and Papa Joe has a tip that’ll do just that.
Jessica Adler

Ever wondered why, despite your best cleaning efforts, certain unsightly stains keep reappearing in your toilet?

Well, the mystery is finally solved, thanks to Papa Joe from the YouTube channel “Papa Joe Knows.”

Known for sharing practical and easy-to-follow home solutions, Papa Joe has shed light on this common household conundrum.

Those persistent marks? They’re none other than mold.

And the reason they keep making an unwelcome comeback? It’s all down to the design and operation of your toilet.


When you hit that flush button, a burst of water rushes through an internal cavity, traveling all around the inside of the toilet rim.

This water exits through tiny openings known as jets.

Now, here’s the kicker: mold thrives inside this internal cavity.

Every time you flush, you’re essentially giving it a little shower, allowing it to flourish and spread.


But fear not! There’s a way to tackle this mold right at its source.

And the solution is simpler than you might think.

To start, you’ll need to get up close and personal with your toilet tank. Lift the lid, and you’ll find an essential component known as the overflow.

Depending on your toilet model, this might look like a large cylinder or a thinner pipe.

YouTube - Papa Joe Knows
YouTube - Papa Joe Knows

Now, for the magic ingredient: distilled vinegar.

That’s right, the same vinegar you might use in your kitchen for cooking or cleaning. It’s a natural mold killer and is likely already sitting in your pantry.


To apply the vinegar, simply pour it down the overflow.

As it travels down, it will circulate throughout the internal cavity under the toilet rim, reaching all those mold-infested nooks and crannies.

The acidic nature of the vinegar will work its wonders, attacking and neutralizing the mold.

YouTube - Papa Joe Knows
YouTube - Papa Joe Knows

After pouring in the vinegar (about half a jug should do the trick), patience is key.

Let it sit for approximately an hour.

This gives the vinegar ample time to penetrate the mold and break it down.

YouTube - Papa Joe Knows
YouTube - Papa Joe Knows

Once the hour is up, the vinegar will have significantly reduced the mold inside the cavity.

While you might still need to give the visible parts of your toilet a quick scrub, you’ll find that with regular vinegar treatments, those stubborn mold stains will become a thing of the past.

YouTube - Papa Joe Knows
YouTube - Papa Joe Knows

The beauty of this method, as Papa Joe demonstrates on his channel, is its simplicity and effectiveness.

By periodically treating your toilet with vinegar, you can break the mold’s life cycle, ensuring that it doesn’t return.

No more frustrating and repetitive cleaning sessions!


So, the next time you spot those pesky toilet stains, remember Papa Joe’s handy tip.

With just a splash of vinegar, you can keep your toilet mold-free and sparkling clean. After all, sometimes the best solutions are the simplest ones.

Hear what Papa Joe has to say about breaking the mold cycle in your toilet below!

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