Man gives tour of his “Swedish inspired” tiny house that’s perfect for him and his dog
He thought of everything in the design phase. 😍
Michael Dabu

Four years ago, Ollie embarked on a unique journey by constructing a tiny house in South Dorset.

This compact home, measuring 25 feet by 8 feet, reflects his commitment to an off-grid lifestyle that prioritizes simplicity and minimalism.

Ollie’s tiny house isn’t just a place to live; it represents his values and choices, offering a glimpse into a life less burdened by material possessions and conventional constraints.

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YouTube - Liveration

Ollie’s motivation for tiny living was driven by a desire to escape high rental costs and embrace greater freedom.

He saw the benefits of a simpler life, where fewer possessions lead to less stress and more peace.

Ollie’s philosophy is clear: by reducing the clutter in his life, he could focus more on what truly matters to him.

This decision was not just about financial savings but about cultivating a life rich in experiences and personal fulfillment.

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YouTube - Liveration

The land surrounding Ollie’s tiny house is proof of his dedication to sustainable living.

With 2.9 acres divided by a serene river, Ollie has created a haven for gardening and growing his own food.

The property remains chemical-free, with Ollie practicing composting and sustainable gardening techniques.

This eco-friendly approach ensures that his land remains fertile and healthy, providing a constant supply of fresh produce.

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YouTube - Liveration

One of the most intriguing aspects of Ollie’s off-grid lifestyle is his innovative use of a composting toilet.

This system separates waste into two types of compost: one for vegetables and one for human waste.

It’s a practical and sustainable solution that aligns with his commitment to the environment.

Additionally, all of Ollie’s water comes from rainwater, which he filters through a basic particulate filter.

Remarkably, he has experienced no issues with drinking this rainwater over the past four years.

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YouTube - Liveration

The tiny house itself is a marvel of efficient design and resourcefulness.

Built on a 3.5-ton rated trailer with added extensions for more space, the house features two lofts: a master bedroom and a secondary bedroom/reading room.

It operates on a self-contained system with lead-acid leisure batteries and solar panels, making it highly energy-efficient.

This setup ensures that Ollie can live comfortably without relying on external power sources.

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YouTube - Liveration

Financially, the tiny house is a model of affordability and sustainability.

The total cost of the house was around £10,000, thanks to Ollie’s use of recycled and repurposed materials.

Had he purchased everything new, the cost would have been approximately £25,000.

This frugal approach not only saved money but also underscored Ollie’s commitment to minimizing waste and maximizing the use of available resources.

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YouTube - Liveration

Ollie’s minimalist lifestyle extends beyond his home to his daily activities and personal interests.

He values freedom and time, which he spends on hobbies like reading, surfing, and hiking.

The tiny house is designed to be low-maintenance and efficient, allowing Ollie to devote more time to these pursuits.

This lifestyle choice emphasizes the importance of experiences over possessions, a core tenet of Ollie’s philosophy.

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YouTube - Liveration

Energy efficiency is a critical aspect of Ollie’s tiny house.

The house uses a 12-volt architecture, which enhances efficiency and reduces energy consumption.

A diesel heater provides warmth, ensuring that the house remains comfortable even in colder months.

By generating his own electricity through solar panels, Ollie enjoys both financial and environmental benefits, further solidifying his commitment to sustainable living.

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YouTube - Liveration

The interior of the tiny house is as thoughtfully designed as its exterior.

Furnished with repurposed and handmade items, the space is filled with personal stories and characters.

The 12-volt DC system powers a functional kitchen, and a handmade staircase crafted from Lawson Cyprus adds a unique touch.

Ollie shares this cozy space with his dog, Tyler, valuing the simplicity and stress-free environment it provides.

Ollie’s contentment with his lifestyle is palpable, reflecting a profound appreciation for the tiny home he has built and the life he leads within it.

See Tyler and his dog’s thoughtfully designed tiny home in his video tour below!

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