Crafts & DIY
What Is A Paleo Diet And Why You Should Try It
Spencer Carney

We are going back in time to when the eating habits of men and women were much simpler, nay, pre-historic! No giant club needed, but even though we live in the 21st century, one “diet” is helping people get back to the basics and shed body fat like “never before”!

In fact, going back to “before” is the heart of the paleo diet, as “paleo” actually means “old” or “ancient”. The idea is to go back to the suspected diet of early man which consists of: fish, meat, vegetables, fruit, and nuts while EXCLUDING dairy and grain products as well as any processed foods.


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Why should I try to go “paleo”? You avoid “newer” problems!

Our modern world, streamlined for economic convenience, has been filled with preservatives, additives, increased Trans fats, and synthetic or processed sugars that have been linked to numerous health related issues related to cardiovascular disorders and degenerative diseases such as obesity, cancer, and Alzheimer’s.

With Paleo you can more easily regulate a healthy amount of carbs!

Yes, on the paleo diet you have to give up all the bread, pasta, rice, and cereal that is so ingrained into our modern diet because it is so cheap and convenient to produce. It is true that we need carbohydrates in our diet, but if you consider how much grains the average person eats it Is in excess of the healthy amount of carbs one needs in a day for sustained energy.

When there is an excess of carbohydrates in the body, after the body has converted what it has needed into “glycogen”, a type of sugar that the body can burn for energy, the rest of the carbohydrates go to be stored as fat in the body.

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However, carbohydrates can come in the form of say sweet potatoes for example, or nuts! So if you think about how you can maintain the flow of food to keep your system running and burning while eating cleanly in this way you are eating habits are in pretty good shape!

The Paleo diet keeps you away from sources of food high in fat that may be bad for you!

Specifically, I am referring to dairy products when I mean “sources of food high in fat”. When humans had to go out and find food, there was no domesticated livestock to just go and milk to make all the cheeses, creams, and spreads that we often incorporate into the traditional breakfast, lunch and dinner table.

Milk, however, is an enigma to many nutrition buffs because, after all, even our ancient ancestors survived off breast-milk at least throughout infancy. Paleo diet enthusiasts often cite wide-spread lactose intolerance as a way of saying that humans are not meant to consume milk beyond infancy.

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A paleo diet certainly keeps you to a smaller selection of foods that are nutrient dense, and definitely digestible in an efficient way that your body’s metabolism responds too quite well! Many who make the life style change to cutting out dairy, grains, and processed foods respond quite favorably, therefore, give paleo a try for yourself and see if it Is something you can get behind! Check out the video below to see some of the yummy recipes you could enjoy on paleo!

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[Source: A To Z Video Clips]
