People laughed at his house designs until the functionality inside was discovered
They might be "weird" but they sure are gorgeous inside.
Michael Dabu

A regular house typically consists of smooth flooring, weather-proof walls and roof, and most importantly, strong foundations.

However, it doesn’t hurt to be creative when making a house, does it?

Although going after a unique structure definitely comes with a price and sometimes, cons. We can’t deny the absolute fact that finishing such a project would be very rewarding and fulfilling.

YouTube Screenshot - #Mind Warehouse
YouTube Screenshot - #Mind Warehouse

Now if you think you’ve seen the most unique and weirdest houses in the world, this video will make you think twice or perhaps, otherwise. Brace yourselves and peel your eyes open because what you are about to see are the most creatively-built houses in different parts of the world.

Here, you’ll see a house situated above a large body of water, in the rainforest, and in the Far North where one might think there’s no way someone would decide to stay at.

YouTube Screenshot - #Mind Warehouse
YouTube Screenshot - #Mind Warehouse

Modern technology

In today’s generation where you can get almost everything with just a simple tap of your finger, nothing is impossible.

The same goes in the construction industry, you can build almost anything that the mind can think of. Especially with the existence of 3D printing in the construction industry, everything is achievable.

YouTube Screenshot - #Mind Warehouse
YouTube Screenshot - #Mind Warehouse

Just take this dome-shaped house as an example that was built in just a matter of hours! The shape didn’t compromise anything because the house hosts a kitchen, two bedrooms, and a bathroom. You wouldn’t go wrong with this dome-shaped house, the size is definitely customizable, to the point where you can even build it as a treehouse.

YouTube Screenshot - #Mind Warehouse
YouTube Screenshot - #Mind Warehouse

This old yet shape-shifting house was a project of Japanese architect Atsuko Mochida. It looks like a traditional Japanese old house situated in the middle of a village, however, it has a mechanism that enables its middle part to turn, making the house unrecognizable at some point.

Looks can be deceiving

YouTube Screenshot - #Mind Warehouse
YouTube Screenshot - #Mind Warehouse

This bunker-looking construction in the middle of a farm field hides a lot on the inside. It’s fully equipped with solar panels, an air filtration system, and reinforced doors. Technically, aside from food and water, these are things needed to survive in an underground area.

It also has a spacious kitchen, storage racks, sleeping quarters, a cozy bathroom, and a giant greenhouse. It’s definitely a perfect place for anyone to survive even an apocalypse.

Facebook - OASIS Designs
Facebook - OASIS Designs

Now this one was a creation of French architect Eric Wasser, it’s called “The Helio Dome.” It’s a 33-foot-high house that hosts huge large glass panels all around the building’s front wall. It’s also equipped with solar panels to make it environment-friendly and self-sustainable.

How about a floating fortress?

YouTube Screenshot - #Mind Warehouse
YouTube Screenshot - #Mind Warehouse

This one is a combination of a yacht and a villa that’s also environment-friendly and self-sustainable whenever it’s in the middle of a massive body of water. This majestic floating fortress was lined with solar panels that supplies the house with enough power.

It also hosts four bedrooms, four bathrooms, and a grandiose terrace! Living life like a millionaire? Yes, because it cost 10 million dollars to build such a luxurious house that can travel on water.

YouTube Screenshot - #Mind Warehouse
YouTube Screenshot - #Mind Warehouse

As you proceed with the video, you will also see a floating hotel, a plane palace, a scenic cabin, some modular homes, a home at the North Pole, a rock-shaped house, a prison hotel, and a whole bunch more.

To see them all, don’t forget to watch the video below.

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