If you’re like me, you take pride in your garden. And if that’s the case then you know how much of a struggle it is to keep pests like deer, rabbits, slugs or other critters away from your prized possessions.
You can always go with loading up your garden with chemicals but who wants that? So put away the toxic products and buckle in, because I put together a list of amazing ways to keep your beautiful garden pest free. All of the solutions are all natural and easy to use as well!
Sprinkle some coffee grounds
Don’t worry, you won’t have jittery, caffeine-guzzled pests wreaking havoc on your garden. In fact, coffee is a great way of spreading nitrogen throughout your garden. The nitrogen helps to make your soil more acidic and even keeps animals like deer, cats, and slugs away.
Use some bath soap
Okay, this one sounds weird but it actually works! Lots of animals hate strong scents. You aren’t limited to bath soap as well, you can actually use a variety of items that happen to give off strong scents. Soap happens to work extra well though because the fatty acids in soap can dissolve the shell of a variety of insects. This can be a great way to keep away small garden pests like aphids, scale, mites, and thrips.
Garlic, hot pepper, and dish soap
Here’s a list of items you never thought could go so well together. When trying to keep pests away from your garden though, this can be a great solution. All you have to do is make a spray that mixes the ingredients. Grab 1 bulb of garlic, 1 teaspoon of hot sauce or 1 hot pepper, and 1 teaspoon of dish soap. Grind of the garlic and hot pepper and mix it with 1 cup of water. Let it refrigerate overnight then add some dish soap. Be sure run your mixture through a coffee filter so that you can spray it!
Throw some flour into your garden
Flour is a great way to keep smaller pests like bugs and insects away from your garden. All you have to do is mix together some black pepper with flour and sprinkle it around your garden! You’ll notice less bugs in your garden in no time!
Or use beer instead!
Beer can actually make a great long term solution to your pest problem. All you have to do is grab a small dish and fill it up with some beer. Then place the bowl nearby your plants that keep getting eaten.
Organic Pest Repellent
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