Los amish llevan un estilo de vida muy simplista. No se ajustan al mundo y se mantienen alejados de las comodidades modernas. Las diferencias en la sociedad moderna y su forma de vida hacen que mucha gente sienta curiosidad por su cultura.
Una mujer tenía como objetivo dar a la gente un vistazo de una casa Amish.
Su video, que ha sido visto más de 1.300.000 veces, ha revelado muchas cosas interesantes.
Una casa Amish es bastante simple.
En el exterior, no hay diseños complicados y elaborados. La mayoría de las casas son de color blanco.
Las familias amish son numerosas. Ésta es una buena razón por la que la mayoría de las casas son grandes y espaciosas. A las familias les gusta estar juntas, por eso la mayoría de las casas tienen grandes porches, habitaciones y sótanos.
En el porche de la casa hay cuatro mecedoras y un banco.
[imgsrc caption = "YouTube" link = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXHgsv2q6PY"]
Como la mayoría de los muebles de las casas Amish, están hechos a mano. En realidad, es un estándar para la gente hacer sus propios muebles. Por eso, no podrás encontrar piezas similares en ningún hogar.
The quality of their furniture items is also impressive. They can last for several decades since each piece is made with care and precision. The techniques they use are methods passed down through generations. There are no shortcuts to the process.
The basement area is quite large.
[imgsrc caption="YouTube" link="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXHgsv2q6PY"]There’s a lot of drawers and cabinets for storage which doesn’t come as a surprise. Amish people like to make their food from scratch so it’s only ideal to have a lot of spaces to store their food items.
On one side, there’s a ton of canned items. Each shelf is carefully labeled to avoid confusion. There are cans of vegetables, potatoes, apple pie fillings, and even meatballs.
These food items came from their own properties.
Amish farmers produce a wide variety of food and agricultural products. They plant and harvest Brussel sprouts, tomatoes, lettuce, broccoli, pepper, and other vegetables. Apart from that, Amish people are also involved with poultry farming. They raise chickens, turkeys, and ducks.
In a separate room, there’s a large table covered with a quilt.
While the woman failed to mention what the room was for, it’s safe to assume that it’s the place for crafting activities.
The bedrooms are quite simple, too.
Each room has very few items. One room, for example, only has a single bed, a coat hanger, and a window with a single panel curtain. The dresses on display were plain and simple as well.
There are no cabinets (except for simple bedside table) and electronic items in the bedrooms. Despite that, the rooms remain clutter-free. The very few items there are in their proper places.
Amish homes don’t have electricity.
To light up the bedrooms at night, people use gas lamps instead. During the day, they put the curtains up to let natural sunlight into their homes. They also have big windows for the same reason.
La forma en que la gente Amish vive sus vidas puede ser diferente a la nuestra, pero eso no significa que sean raros y no normales. De hecho, si miras más de cerca, puedes aprender un par de cosas de ellos, desde la forma en que producen sus propios alimentos hasta poder satisfacer sus necesidades sin depender de la tecnología.
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