If you’ve done much shopping, then you know how many fresh veggies, such as potatoes, avocados, and oranges come in a plastic mesh bag. If you are like many people, you usually throw the bag into the trash once it is empty. What you might not know is that you can take your leftover mesh bags and easily turn them into DIY scrubbers for your pots and pans, dishes, and kitchen surfaces.
DIY scrubbers are a great way to reduce waste in your kitchen while keeping it clean at the same time.
An Alternative Use for Mesh Bags
The mesh bags that your fresh produce comes in are designed to make it easier to transport your fruits and veggies easily from the store. The mesh material easily stretches, allowing shippers to keep it from rolling around. Otherwise4 it might get damaged or bruised in transit to the store.
Many shoppers don’t even think twice, throwing the empty bags into the trash. Little do they know that they could be making scrubbers out of their old mesh bags. These DIY scrubbers are perfect for cleaning baked on food off of your pots and pans, or for scrubbing counters.
All it takes are a few simple items and before you know it you can have scrubbers that are as good as the ones you find in the store. To make a DIY mesh bag scrubber gather together a few mesh bags and a pair of scissors.
A twist tie or rubber band might also come in handy depending on how you decide to secure the bags.
How to Turn a Mesh Bag into a DIY Scrubber
These DIY scrubbers are so easy to make that you can easily turn a mesh bag into a scrubber in minutes. So, the next time you have an empty mesh bag, store it away for later. Then, when you need it, pull out the bag and follow these simple steps to make a scrubber.
Step 1: Start by cutting the ends of a few of the mesh bags off using a pair of scissors. This should leave you with only the mesh part of the bags remaining.
Step 2: Take the mesh of one of the bags and roll it up long ways. Curl the ends around until they meet. This should leave you with the rolled mesh bag looking like a circular sausage. Alternatively, you can roll the cut mesh bags up into a ball and secure them in the middle with a zip tie or rubber band.
Step 3: Repeat this with each bag, curling the next bag around the previous one, until you have a big wad of mesh bags. Make sure to save the largest bag for the final step. This bag will hold all of the others.
Step 4: Start by tying a knot in one end of the bag, reforming it into its previous shape as an actual mesh bag in the process. Turn the bag inside out so that the knot is in the inside of the bag. Insert the other bags, working the knot of the outside bag into the center of the rolled up bags.
Make sure the bags are scrunched into the shape you want and then tie up the top of the bag. Fold any leftover mesh down over the outside of the bag and tie another knot.
The Finished Product
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This should leave you a good size scrubber. When using, place the knotted side into the palm of your hand. The scrubber allows you to more easily scrub off hard to remove food from your dishes and your counter tops. For more on how to make this DIY scrubber, check out Apron Stringz.