Gardening & Outdoors
Gardener shares 5 fast-growing veggies that can be harvested in under a month
This is a bit of knowledge every impatient gardener will love.
Elijah Chan

Edible gardens are great additions to your backyard.

Not only do they make your garden look and smell amazing, but you can also harvest these plants and turn them into mouth-watering dishes.

And as edible gardens are slowly gaining traction amid the rising movement of self-sustainability, some of us are a bit intimidated about starting one.

Thankfully, it’s easier than you think.

Will the yield be good?

Am I fertilizing the soil well enough? Are my plants getting enough sunlight? Is this even a plant? These are just some of the questions that we ask ourselves.

In this video, Epic Gardening shared the perfect plants for beginner edible gardening.

These plants require only a little time to grow and are not as tedious to look after. They also yield sprouts that are not only delicious but very nutritious as well.

It’s a perfect jump-off point to your dream life of self-sustainability.

It’s also a good way to introduce friends and family to planting, which can inspire them to follow your initiative.

First on the list is microgreens.

Microgreens are a variety of plant species that grow around1-3 inches tall. They have an aromatic flavor and are rich in nutrients.

YouTube Screenshot - Epic Gardening
YouTube Screenshot - Epic Gardening

They take much less time.

Compared to other vegetables, these plants are harvested way earlier. They are considered baby plants that stand somewhere between a sprout and a baby green.

With the ease of cultivation, you can cycle grow these plants where you get to harvest different ones every time.

YouTube Screenshot - Epic Gardening
YouTube Screenshot - Epic Gardening

Some examples of microgreens are arugula, dill, onions, and radish.

Next are pea and sunflower shoots.

Pea and sunflower shoots are much like microgreens since you harvest them pretty early in their lifespan.

They grow longer than 1-3 inches but can fit the spaces intended for microgreens like seedling trays.

YouTube Screenshot - Epic Gardening
YouTube Screenshot - Epic Gardening

Pea and sunflower shoots are packed with nutrients and flavors. That’s getting so much from a plant that’s so easy to look after.

Another good plant to sow is lettuce.

Salads, sandwiches, and wraps are not complete without lettuce. This is one of the easiest plants to take care of and can be harvested in different stages of growth.

While full-grown lettuce can take more than a month, micro lettuce can take as short as a week and a young lettuce head can grow for about 2-3 weeks.

YouTube Screenshot - Epic Gardening
YouTube Screenshot - Epic Gardening

Just make sure to space your heads properly, depending on when you’re planning to harvest them.

Next up are baby root crops.

Yes, you can harvest the green tops of some of your favorite root crops just before they bulb up.

Beets, radish, and turnip greens can be tossed in some olive oil and sautéed with garlic and onions.

YouTube Screenshot - Epic Gardening
YouTube Screenshot - Epic Gardening

Baby bulbs, like radishes, can be harvested around 3 weeks or so as well, if you’re more interested in having those.

And finally, extra greens.

These are some sort of “upgraded” greens that you can grow in less than a month or so. Some examples he shared were kale, Mizuno, and bokchoi.

YouTube Screenshot - Epic Gardening
YouTube Screenshot - Epic Gardening

Bokchoi can be used in stir fry while Mizuno flowers and kale can be used in salads.

These greens grow bigger than the previously mentioned plants but are still perfect for those who want to dabble in urban gardening.

Learn more about these fast-growing crops in the video below!

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